Dharma Talks / The Insight Vaccine: Discerning Truth

Sr Thuận Nghiêm

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In this clear and memorable Dharma talk, our elder sister explores the nature of truth and asks, What can we rely on? She examines racism and misinformation, and identifies a vaccine: ‘deep looking’ into the reality of interbeing, which is present in our own bodies in a wonderful way.

Sr. Thuận Nghiêm shares teachings on the ‘Two Levels of truth’, ‘The Four Criteria’ (or ‘Standards of Truth’, siddhantha), and ‘The Four Reliances’. She applies them to the challenges we face in our daily lives and in our society. How can we love and understand ourselves and others, recognizing our deep interdependence? How can we take in news in a way that informs and nourishes us?

This morning’s Dharma Talk references a few paragraphs of this article, by British-American journalist Nick Bryant.

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