Questions & Answers / Questions & Answers

Br Pháp Ứng, Br Phap Bieu, Sr Thuận Nghiêm, Sr Mai Nghiem

Q & A in the second week of the Summer Retreat.

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— More from Br Pháp Ứng, Br Phap Bieu, Sr Thuận Nghiêm, Sr Mai Nghiem

The Physiology of Love

Sr Thuan Nghiem talks about the physiology of love. How we received love as babies, the family environment, affect how we internalize our suffering which determines how much suffering we create for ourselves and others. However as adults we can create new neural pathways to learn to recognize the...

Sr Thuận Nghiêm

November 17, 2019

Communities of Love as Healing Sources

Br. Phap Ung talks about the community’s love as like an ocean embracing all beings. In the spirit of meta-ethic, Suffering can be embraced by the community and be a source of growth and practice to see that we are not separate from each other. When we ourselves suffer,...

Br Pháp Ứng

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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