Songs / Guarding of six senses

Sr Chân Đức

Lyrics: Thich Nhat Hanh
Music: Sr. True Virtue (Sr. Chan Duc) & Rashani
Sang: Sr. Chan Duc

These eyes are a deep deep ocean
With whirlpools and violent winds
And currents beneath the surface
And sea monsters deep within
My boat sails in mindfulness
I vow to hold the tiller firmly
So that I shall not drown in the ocean of form
Using my conscious breath, I guard my eyes
For your protection and for mine
So today continues to be a beautiful day
And tomorrow we still have each other.

These ears are a deep deep ocean
With whirlpools and violent winds
And currents beneath the surface
And sea monsters deep within
My boat sails in mindfulness
I vow to hold the tiller firmly
So that I do not drown in the ocean of sound
Using my conscious breath, I guard my ears
For your protection and for mine
So today continues to be a beautiful day
And tomorrow we still have each other.

The nose is a deep deep ocean
With whirlpools and violent winds
And currents beneath the surface
And sea monsters deep within
My boat sails in mindfulness
I vow to hold the tiller firmly
So that I do not drown in the ocean of sense
Using my conscious breath, I guard my nose
For your protection and for mine
So today continues to be a wonderful day
And tomorrow we still have each other.

The tongue is a deep deep ocean
With whirlpools and violent winds
And shadows beneath the surface
And sea monsters deep within
My boat sails in mindfulness
I vow to hold the tiller firmly
So that I do not drown in the ocean of taste
Using my conscious breath, I guard my tongue
For your protection and for mine
So today continues to be a beautiful day
And tomorrow we still have each other.

The body is a deep deep ocean
With whirlpools and violent winds
And currents beneath the surface
And sea monsters deep within
My boat sails in mindfulness
I vow to hold the tiller firmly
So that I do not drown in the ocean of touch
Using my conscious breath, I guard my body
For your protection and for mine
So today continues to be a beautiful day
And tomorrow we still have each other.

The mind is a deep deep ocean
With whirlpools and violent winds
And currents beneath the surface
And sea monsters deep within
My boat sails in mindfulness
I vow to hold the tiller firmly
So that I do not drown in the ocean of thought
Using my conscious breath, I guard my mind
For your protection and for mine
So today continues to be a wonderful day
And tomorrow we still have each other.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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