“The Rain” is composed and sung by Sister Chân Đức (Sr. True Virtue), or Sister Annabel, as she is known to many. We hope you enjoy this tender and gentle song. For those of us with some worry or trouble in this moment, may the rain of compassionate understanding soak deeply into the soil of our hearts, and restore our peace and freshness.

Written, Composed by Sr. Chan Duc (True Virtue)

The rain is falling so softly
Washing every leaf of every tree
Washing every care
Namo 'Valokiteshvaraya (x2)
The rain is falling so strongly 
Reaching every root of every tree 
Reaching every root of affliction 
Namo 'Valokiteshvaraya (x2)
The rain is falling so lovely
Playing the music of joy
For ten thousands of beings
Namo 'Valokiteshvaraya (x2)
— More from Sr Chân Đức

Bodhicitta in Action

Talk in English given on September 22nd, 2019, in the Lower Hamlet of Plum Village. Sr Chan Duc (Sr True Virtue/Sr Annabel) gives a Dharma talk on bodhicitta (the mind of love and awakening), and taking care of Mother Earth. We have to cultivate the insight that Mother Earth...

Sr Chân Đức

September 22, 2019

UK Tour

Sister Annabel Chan Duc’s thought-provoking memoir True Virtue: The Journey of an English Buddhist Nun is now available everywhere books are sold. https://www.parallax.org/product/true-virtue/

Sr Chân Đức

May 31, 2019

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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