Dear President Hollande

This moving letter to the President of France was written by Sister Mai Nghiem, a French nun and Dharma Teacher in the Plum Village Tradition, currently residing at Deer Park Monastery in California. Thay (Thich Nhat Hanh) has often taught us the practice of writing “love letters” to our political...

Thank you Thay

During the memorial week for Thay, we received an outpouring of gratitude from people all over the world who have been touched by Thay’s teachings. We offer you a selection to read here.

Talk 7: Can You Live A Happy Life?

Ethics has the purpose of finding out what should be done and what should not be done. What is the right thing to do? Thay explores this topic in Talk 7 of our series on Ethics and how we can apply this wisdom to live a happy life.

Summer Opening 2024

We welcome you to cultivate together peace for ourselves and for our children.

Winter Retreat Opening Ceremony with Thay

On the morning of Tuesday 15th November, Thich Nhat Hanh joined the fourfold community of Plum Village for a very special opening of our annual 90-day Winter Retreat. After missing two years of Winter Retreat in a row, the sangha is delighted that Thay’s health is now strong enough for...

A Short Break Can Go a Long Way

By Deirdre Mullins Over the last few weeks, broadcaster John Murray and Cork hurler Conor Cusack have spoken openly about their struggles with depression. The musician Bressie, rugby analyst Brent Pope and author Marian Keyes have also discussed their own emotional struggles. Thanks to this openness, the stigma about...

Talk 2: A Zen Master’s Lion’s Roar

According to Buddha Shakyamuni, free will is possible. It begins with mindfulness, and we are all capable of walking in mindfulness and breathing in mindfulness. These are concrete practices that help us establish our freedom and make it greater, so we can stop being lost.

Brown Field and Blue Sky

Talk 3: How Can We Know What is Right?

When you produce a thought in the line of Right Thinking, a thought that has no discrimination, that goes along with interbeing, understanding, forgiveness, and compassion, that thought will have an effect right away on your mind, on your health, and on the world.

Vesak Day 2021

On the 26 of May, Plum Village centers around the world organized ceremonies to celebrate Vesak day. On this day we commemorate the birth of Prince Siddhartha, his enlightenment when he became known as Gautama Buddha, and his death known as parinirvana.

Thay has travelled to San Francisco for treatment

Thay has been able to communicate more clearly a very strong wish to intensify his recovery program. Thay is very determined to do everything possible to recover both his physical movement and speech. After many options were presented to Thay, he made a clear decision to travel to the...

Vows of Love and Action this Rains’ Retreat

Dear Thầy, Dear Noble Sangha Abroad on this precious planet, The monks, nuns, and lay practitioners of Plum Village gathered together, once again, in the Upper Hamlet for the Opening Ceremony of the annual Three Month Rains’ Retreat. It was a powerful and invigorating ritual reminding us how precious...

I Am in Love with Mother Earth

“Every morning in winter when I wake up, I put on some warm clothes and go out to take a walk around the Upper Hamlet. It is usually still dark outside, and I walk gently, in touch with the nature all around me, the sky, the moon, and the...

I Don’t Run Away Anymore

Thay recently received this beautiful and moving letter from one of his students (a lay man) in Ireland. With permission from the author, Thay asked us to type it up and post it online for the whole community to read. We have transcribed it from the original handwritten letter,...

Tangerine of Mindfulness

This is a story that Siddhartha Gautama, popularly known as the Buddha, told the first time to children when he had just founded a Great Way, the Path of Awareness. Please enjoy an excerpt of it from the book Old Path White Cloud. Siddhartha quietly gestured for the children...

Happy continuation day, dear Shakyamuni Buddha!

Plum Village community celebrated Vesak on 7th May in the New Hamlet, with over 400 monks, nuns, and lay friends, including the French sangha, and the members of the Order of Interbeing in France. Vesak commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and passing away (parinirvana) of Shakyamuni Buddha. In the morning,...

Bamboo Shoots and Tea

As monastics, being invited to drink tea or spend time with our teacher, (affectionately called Thay) are precious occasions. Two sisters, Sr Thuan Nghiem and Sr Thao Nghiem, share memories of what it was like to drink tea and travel with Thay and how they would like to be...

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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