Photos from Hue, Vietnam
The procession to lead Thay’s casket out of the Full Moon Meditation Hall is led by Thay Phap An, carrying the incense stick (representing our spiritual ancestors), followed by Thay Phap Niem and Thay Phap Ung carrying Thay’s “Dragon Memorial Plaque” (which could perhaps be considered the equivalent to a headstone in the Christian West; after the ceremonies are completed, it will sit on dedicated altar for Thay in the Root Temple. Behind the Dragon Plaque we can see Thay’s formal portrait being carried by Thay Phap Hoi and Thay Phap Khoi, followed by Brother Phap Luu (Brother Stream) carrying Thay’s almsbowl. These symbolic objects represent Thay’s spiritual precepts body. As the casket began its journey, dawn began to break. Thay Phap Hai (from Mountain Spring Monastery in Australia) carried Thay’s brown robe and Sanghati. The venerables light the fire. As the atmosphere softened and became more intimate, Sister Chan Khong offered her song “I smile” which Thay always asked her to sing at the end of every public talk. We are deeply grateful for our elder sister’s immense spiritual strength, radiance, warmth and humanity. ?
Photos from Plum Village Monastery, France
Photo of Thay for Altars

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