Dharma Talks / Living the Buddha’s Community

Sr Lăng Nghiêm

In this first talk of spring 2022 as Plum Village France reopens for retreatants, Sister Lăng Nghiêm (“Sister Hero”) through the sutra “Monuments to the Dharma” (Majjhima Nikaya 89) shows us how the Buddha’s original community is continuing today. In the sutra, the King Prasenajit praises the Buddha’s sangha for its simple living, harmony, peace, vitality, and ability to transform suffering.

2,600 years later, thanks to concrete practices such as letting go of material possessions, mindful actions and consumption, loving speech, and ways to re-establish communication, the Buddha’s community has been kept alive. Join us to learn how we can all cultivate these ways of living a simple, meaningful, harmonious and happy life.

More about Sister Lang Nghiem

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— More from Sr Lăng Nghiêm

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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