Dharma Stream
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Life Story
Brother Pháp Lưu was ordained as a novice monk on December 13th 2003, and received full ordination as a bhikshu on December 16th, 2006. He received the Lamp Transmission from Thầy to become a Dharma Teacher in 2011.
He has been active in the Wake Up movement for young people, helping to organize Wake Up Tours in the US, UK and Spain to share mindfulness with young adults at universities. He is involved in the Happy Farm (combining organic farming, community living and the mindfulness practice in Upper Hamlet). He has been working with the Wake Up Schools initiative to bring mindfulness into schools and has a deep aspiration to make the simple practice of mindful breathing and embracing strong emotions available at all levels of education.
Brother Pháp Lưu offers Dharma Talks in English, French, and Spanish. While at home in Deer Park Monastery he finds many ways to be with his younger brothers: hiking, mentoring, teaching the Sutras and the Vinaya, and baking bread. He also loves to chop wood, sleep in a hammock, and make guacamole for Lunar New Year.
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(Class #17) The Third Noble Truth can be called the truth of happiness.
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 17th tenet. The 17th Tenet “The Third Noble Truth can be called the truth of happiness.” This class is based on a book written by our teacher called “Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu” or “Plum Village Looks at…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #16) The Four Noble Truths: Conditioned and Unconditioned
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 16th tenet. The 16th Tenet “The Four Noble Truths are all conditioned. The Four Noble Truths are all unconditioned.” This class is based on a book written by our teacher called “Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu” or “Plum…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #15) Recognizing Conditions of Happiness
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 15th tenet. In addition, Thay responds to questions that have come in over the past months we have been doing the class. The 15th Tenet “The awareness of suffering helps us recognize the existing conditions of happiness and…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #14) Mindfulness, Concentration and Insight Include Each Other
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 14th tenet: “Mindfulness, concentration and insight include each other. All three have the capacity to bring joy, happiness and liberation.” This class is based on a book written by our teacher called “Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu” or…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #13) Right Diligence
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 13th tenet: “Right diligence is mindfulness trainings (morality, Śīla) and therefore is also mindfulness.” This class is based on a book written by our teacher called “Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu” or “Plum Village Looks at Vulture’s Peak”…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #12) Precepts are Mindfulness
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 12th tenet: “Precepts are mindfulness. (Śīla is smṛti). Precepts and mindful manners are concrete expressions of mindfulness.” This class is based on a book written by our teacher called “Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu” or “Plum Village Looks…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #10) The Basic Concentrations (Samādhi): Impermanence, No-Self, and Nirvāṇa
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 10th tenet: “The basic concentrations (samādhi) are the concentrations on impermanence, no-self, and Nirvāṇa.” This class is based on a book written by our teacher called “Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu” or “Plum Village Looks at Vulture’s Peak”…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #11) Mindfulness, Concentration, and Insight
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 11th tenet: “Mindfulness, concentration and insight are the essential practices that give rise to liberation.” This class is based on a book written by our teacher called “Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu” or “Plum Village Looks at Vulture’s…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #9) The Three Dharma Seals Are Impermanence, Non-Self and Nirvana
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 9th tenet: “The Three Dharma Seals are: impermanence, non-self and nirvāṇa. We can uphold Four Dharma Seals or Five Dharma Seals with one condition: that they include nirvāṇa.” This class is based on a book written by our…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #8) The Concentrations on Emptiness, Signlessness and Aimlessness Help Us to Touch Nirvana
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu further discussed the 7th tenet (“Not born means nirvāṇa and it is awakening to the truth of the deathless, the no-coming and no-going, the not the same and not different, the not being and not non-being.”) in light of Nagarjuna’s “Middle…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #7) Not Born Means Nirvana and It Is Awakening to the Truth of the Deathless
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 7th tenet: “Not born means nirvāṇa and it is awakening to the truth of the deathless, the no-coming and no-going, the not the same and not different, the not being and not non-being.” This class is based on…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #6) Nirvana Is Not a Phenomenon, but the True Nature of All Phenomena
Dear friends, In tonight’s class Thay Phap Luu will discuss the 6th tenet: “Nirvāṇa is not a phenomenon, but the true nature of all phenomena.” This class is based on a book written by our teacher called “Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu” or “Plum Village Looks at Vulture’s Peak”…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #5) It Is Possible to Touch Nirvana in the Present Moment
Dear friends, Welcome to a weekly class from Deer Park Monastery on the topic “The 40 Tenets of Plum Village”. This class will take place live on Wednesday nights and will be available to watch on-demand afterwards. This class is based on a book written by our teacher called…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #4) Nirvana Is Nirvana: There Does Not Need to Be a Nirvana With Residue or Without Residue
Dear friends, Welcome to a new weekly class from Deer Park Monastery on the topic “The 40 Tenets of Plum Village”. This class will take place live on Wednesday nights and will be available to watch on-demand afterwards. This class is based on a book written by our teacher…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #3) Nirvana Is the Absence of Ignorance and Afflictions, Not the Absence of the Aggregates
Dear friends, Welcome to a new weekly class from Deer Park Monastery on the topic “The 40 Tenets of Plum Village”. This class will take place live on Wednesday nights and will be available to watch on-demand afterwards. This class is based on a book written by our teacher…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #1) Space Is Not an Unconditioned Dharma: It Manifests With Time, Matter and Consciousness
Dear friends, Welcome to a new weekly class from Deer Park Monastery on the topic “The 40 Tenets of Plum Village”. This class will take place live on Wednesday nights and will be available to watch on-demand afterwards. This class is based on a book written by our teacher…
Br Pháp Lưu

(Class #2) In the Ultimate Dimension, Every Dharma Is an Unconditioned Dharma
Dear friends, Welcome to a new weekly class from Deer Park Monastery on the topic “The 40 Tenets of Plum Village”. This class will take place live on Wednesday nights and will be available to watch on-demand afterwards. This class is based on a book written by our teacher…
Br Pháp Lưu
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Dharma Talks

Establishing a Buddha Field
“Buddha field: a field of awakening, the country of the present moment. When we think about Plum Village we feel joyful already. Even if we are not physically here—maybe we’re watching this online—but we feel like we’re getting in touch with the ‘Buddha ksetra’: a kind of field of…
Br Pháp Lưu

Extinction Awakening
This is the final talk from the Allow Mother Earth to Walk for You retreat at the Ageya Wilderness Center in Homer, Alaska, offered on August 25th, 2019. “Mitakuye Oyasin: All things are related. We need to learn from our land ancestors how to get over our pride as…
Br Pháp Lưu

Nowhere to Go, Nothing to Do | Business Retreat
Br Phap Luu talks about having mastery over our lives. Our thoughts, speech and actions are what we send out into the universe. Thinking is a kind of becoming, every thought has a tone, and is nourished by some condition. What sort of path are our thoughts taking us…
Br Pháp Lưu

First-Person Applied Neuroscience
Br. Phap Luu speaks about taking refuge in the Dharma and experiencing the “taste of Zen”. As practitioners we should go take refuge in the Dhamma and not in ideas about ourselves. We should also check if our practice has the “taste of Zen”, asking ourselves, “Do I feel…
Br Pháp Lưu

Understanding the Nature of Suffering
Help us caption & translate this video! https://amara.org/v/ms02/
Br Pháp Lưu

The Diamond Sutra & the Practice of Signlessness
Help us caption & translate this video! https://amara.org/v/mjVf/
Br Pháp Lưu

Mindfulness of Sexual Desire
Brother Phap Luu teaches on the 14th Mindfulness Training, True Love. The 14th Mindfulness training, True Love, address our sexual energy, which is also the energy of reproduction, an energy that compels is to continue ourselves, and is a vital life force. Sexual energy is part of a human’s…
Br Pháp Lưu

The Universe Looking at Itself | Wake Up Earth
Stopping and looking deeply are the foundation of our practice of mindfulness. When we stop we can bring our attention to our breath, and be aware of the thinking and emotions that are present. We can get into a vicious cycle of thinking and emotions, especially when the thinking…
Br Pháp Lưu

Guided Meditation On the 7 Factors of Awakening
Guided meditation by brother Phap Luu before his Dharma talk.
Br Pháp Lưu

Energy and the Evolution of Emotion
To learn more about the research presented at the beginning of the talk on the neuroevolutionary basis of emotion, please look into the work of Jaak Panksepp. See this video for the guided meditation given before this Dharma talk:
Br Pháp Lưu

In the Arms of Mother Earth
Earth Holders Retreat In the Arms of Mother Earth Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, September 28 – October 1, 2017 —Help us caption & translate this video! https://amara.org/v/d2VR/
Br Pháp Lưu, Sr Brightness

Orientation at Magnolia Grove
This is the orientation for the retreat “The Time is Now” at Magnolia Grove Monastery offered by Sister Brightness and Brother Stream. Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/HHsS/
Br Pháp Lưu, Sr Brightness

The Practice of Non-Fear
This is the second Dharma Talk of the 2015 US Tour Miracle of Mindfulness Retreat at Blue Cliff Monastery, NY. Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/HCeB/
Br Pháp Lưu
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Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers
0:00:51 Should we always speak the truth? 0:09:40 How can I deal with pain and chronicle disease in a loving way? 0:23:58 How to let go of attachment? 0:40:35 How to handle my cravings? 0:53:46 How to make decisions?
Sr Lăng Nghiêm, Sr Hiến Nghiêm, Br Pháp Lưu

Questions & Answers
Q & A session in the third week of the summer retreat 2018 in Plum Village France. Help us caption & translate this video! https://amara.org/v/k3WQ/
Br Pháp Dung, Br Pháp Lưu, Sr Lan Nghiêm, Sr Lăng Nghiêm

Questions & Answers
Q&A session with Br. Phap Luu, Sr. Tu Nghiem, Sr Hoi Nghiem, Sr Bettina and Br. Michael in the first week of the 21 day retreat, 2018. Help us caption & translate this video! https://amara.org/v/jeIJ/
Br Pháp Lưu, Sr Từ Nghiêm, Sr Hội Nghiêm
Jump To Life Story, Classes, Dharma Talks, Questions & Answers, Articles
- Interview with Brother Phap Luu: Freedom is Possible
- The Pebble Meditation
- The Monastics on French Television: Part I
- Wake Up – A Collective Aspiration – Mindfulness Bell #60 Summer 2012
- Dharma Rain in the Rocky Mountains – Mindfulness Bell #45 Summer 2007
- “Mitakuye Oyasin” – Mindfulness Bell #37 Autumn 2004