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Latest Episodes - Sister Chân Tuệ Nghiêm 3 Items

On Grief and Loss

In Zen, we often say that the moment of death is the moment that reveals how we have been practicing. Indeed, the fear of dying is the base for all other fears. As practitioners, death should be an object of our contemplation. Sister Insight shares her experience of practicing...

Sr Tuệ Nghiêm

December 4, 2022

Breathe, Smile and Accept

What do you truly want for your life? Knowing this becomes a source of energy on our path. When we see our path clearly, we are no longer afraid. Mindfulness is the energy of awareness that enables us to apply the practice in our daily life. This allows us...

Sr Tuệ Nghiêm

September 22, 2022

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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