Questions & Answers / Q&A: News, Enlightenment, & Pain | Brs Phap Huu, Bao Tang, Srs Thuan Nghiem, Hien Nghiem

Br Troi Bao Tang, Br Pháp Hữu, Sr Thuận Nghiêm, Sr Hiến Nghiêm

0:00 Introduction by brother Phap Huu
2:50 How to deal with News? How to protect ourselves when we read the News and how to balance the negative energy created by the News?
12:55 How can the peace movement respond in a non-violent way to the invasion of Ukraine?
21:42 The wisdom of the Heart Sutra teaches us to go beyond pairs of opposites such as immaculate/defiled etc… As monks and nuns, are there pairs of opposite that you struggle with or value in your practice?
36:25 Is Enlightenment the goal of the practice in Plum Village? What is Enlightenment and how is it connected to mindfulness?
39:31 How do we balance a practice of acceptance and going with the flow of conditions as life evolves, together with a sense of agency and really engaging to make decisions that take our life in our chosen direction?
46:03 How to stay in the present moment in times of extreme pain and suffering?
1:05:07 Presentation of the 2022 Plum Village Newsletter

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