2024-25 Rains Retreat Opening Ceremony

On October 9 we formally opened the Plum Village Monastery Rains Retreat with the Face-to-Face Ceremony at Upper Hamlet with 248 practitioners (142 monastics and 106 lay friends) dwelling peacefully together for 90 days. 

Listen with Mindfulness

As an expression of our gratitude to Thich Nhat Hanh and a concrete way to continue his legacy, we offer extracts from the new book How to Listen.

My Path to Wake Up Schools

Joost Vriens reflects on the connection between mindfulness and being a teacher. He was a teacher at a secondary vocational school for 40 years, supports Wake Up Schools and is a co-founder of a Dutch online Education Sangha.

International Day of Peace

On Sat Sep 21, International Day of Peace, the Plum Village sanghas in Jerusalem will be offering a Peace Walk at 5pm local time. We invite you to join online for a simultaneous session of sitting meditation, chanting and walking meditation lead by Blue Cliff Monastery.

A Friend on the Path

Sister Chân Đào Nghiêm reflects on her practice with a treasured friend that helps her on the path of healing, transformation and joy in the present moment.

Summer Opening 2024

We invite you to share in moments from the Summer Opening for families. Over these three weeks, more than 2,000 lay practitioners – including 170 teenagers and 480 children came to live in simplicity, cultivating awareness, understanding, and compassion.

You Are Enough: Words for Teens

In this sharing for teenagers (and the “forever teens at heart”), Sister Đẳng Nghiêm shows young people how to take care of their body and mind amidst the rapid changes of adolescence.

Family Beginning Anew

We are happy to offer you this sharing on the practice of beginning anew for families as we continue our summer opening retreat here in Plum Village France. A 'beautiful, simple yet deep' practice that has the capacity to bring joy & healing to all.

Dharma Stories For Children

As we journey through our annual Summer Opening Retreat we hope you enjoy these Dharma stories for children offered by Br. Phap Dung & Br. Pham Hanh in Upper Hamlet.

Music on Peace

A sharing from the heart exploring music as a pathway to embrace suffering, look beyond the discriminative mind and water seeds of a new world, where every note in our collective song has the conditions to bloom in safety, peace and harmony.

Biennial June Retreat 2024

We have just completed the June retreat at Plum Village France, with nearly 600 practitioners coming together. Here are some precious moments from the retreat.

Anger, Despair & Burnout: A Dialogue

In this article we share an excerpt from 'Anger, Despair & Burnout: A Dialogue' featuring questions from Sister True Dedication and responses from Christiana Figueres, a climate leader, Costa Rican diplomat and student of Thich Nhat Hanh.

Music: A Dharma Door

In 2023, Plum Village monastics went on their first music tour across North America, titled “The Way Out Is In: A Musical Meditation.” It offered a unique blend of contemplative music, poetry and short, inspiring teachings.

I Walk for You

In this article Sr. Chan Lac Hanh shares about the journey of reuniting with her beloved omma (birthmother), knowing the right thing to do and how becoming a monastic has opened up a clear path ahead, filled with compassion.

Talk 7: Can You Live A Happy Life?

Ethics has the purpose of finding out what should be done and what should not be done. What is the right thing to do? Thay explores this topic in Talk 7 of our series on Ethics and how we can apply this wisdom to live a happy life.

Entering The Field

By recognizing what seeds lie sleeping in the depths of our Store Consciousness we can choose what seeds to water and how to practice on this path.

The Door of Compassion

The door of compassion is the door of our hearts. In this article Br. Thay Minh Hy helps us look deeply into how to keep this door open for the benefit of all.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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