Dharma Talks / Celebrating 40 Years of the Plum Village tradition | A Music and Meditation Evening

Br Pháp Hữu, Br Pháp Linh, Sr Trai Nghiem, Sr Hiến Nghiêm, Br Phap Bieu

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on the 14th of June 2022, we had a wonderful music and poetry concert to celebrate 40 years of the Plum Village tradition.

The concert was part of a two-week long mindfulness practice retreat, with the theme “Now We Have a Path, We Have Nothing to Fear”, held in Plum Village, France.

— More from Br Pháp Hữu, Br Pháp Linh, Sr Trai Nghiem, Sr Hiến Nghiêm, Br Phap Bieu

Nourishing Spiritual Aspirations and Community Harmony

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Br Pháp Hữu

October 13, 2019

Opening the Rains Retreat

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Br Pháp Hữu

September 17, 2019

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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