Sacred Synergy: Science and Spirituality Are Not Two Separate Things

In this enlightening talk offered by our elder sister, we will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, learning the profound art of resting, healing, and meditating together. Guided by ancient wisdom and modern scientific insights, attendees will delve into the benefits of these practices, unraveling the intricate connections...

Sr Chân Đức

April 20, 2023

The Gift of A Quiet Mind

Please enjoy the first Dharma Talk of the Plum Village Online New Year’s Retreat. Find out more about Sister True Dedication :

Sr Hiến Nghiêm

December 29, 2021

The Power of Cutting Off & Letting Go

Letting go is not about suppressing or denying our experiences, but rather acknowledging and accepting them with compassion and understanding. By embracing impermanence and non-attachment, we can free ourselves from the burden of past regrets and future worries, and cultivate a deeper sense of peace and freedom in the...

Br Pháp Dung

July 29, 2018

Balance in the Spiritual Life

Before taking a deep dive into our suffering, practicing mindfulness according to the breathing exercises taught in the Anapanasati Sutta increases our capacity for happiness and joy. In this way, we are able to hold our deep suffering. Thay regularly taught his students to balance the spiritual life among...

Sr Trai Nghiem

November 10, 2022

Be Beautiful, Be Yourself (Episode #50)

Welcome to episode 50 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives....

Freedom (Episode #49)

Welcome to episode 49 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives....

Humility in Service to Life (Episode #48)

Welcome to episode 48 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives....

Breathe and Remember

The flower only exists if we are present for it. Life is miraculous. Only when we are present are we fully living. What are the things that stop us from fully living? It is our worries, fears, physical pain, regrets, shame, frustration … The practice of mindfulness helps us...

Sr Tại Nghiêm

December 1, 2022

True Spiritual Friendship

from 2022 11 03, Rains Retreat, Lay Day, Talk 7. How can we embrace our ancestors that we have never met? This and the below questions were addressed by Brother Phap Huu and Sister True Dedication in this “a-la-carte Dharma Talk”. * How can we understand our deep suffering...

Br Pháp Hữu, Sr Hiến Nghiêm

November 3, 2022

Love and the Six Ingredients of the Path

To feel love, be loved, and to share love is the spiritual need of human beings. This is the heart of our spiritual path: how to grow to a state of boundless love that is not restrained by any conditions. Sister Lực Nghiêm (“Sister Power”) dives deeply into the...

September 29, 2022

Healthy Boundaries (Episode #46)

Welcome to episode 46 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives....

On Acceptance: New Year’s Eve Talk

As the new year begins to unfold, we have the opportunity to look back: What have we cultivated in ourselves in 2022? Was there a habit energy that manifested strongly, carrying us away? And how about our relationships? Were we able to cultivate deep friendship? Do we hold pain...

Br Pháp Hữu

December 31, 2022

Simplicity, Love and Understanding

What is the spiritual meaning of Christmas in our times? In a society of consumerism where we can easily feel alienated, we are longing for an atmosphere of simplicity and love. If the most important element of Christmas is our brotherhood, sisterhood, and siblinghood, then how can we practice...

Sr Chân Đức

December 25, 2022

On Grief and Loss

In Zen, we often say that the moment of death is the moment that reveals how we have been practicing. Indeed, the fear of dying is the base for all other fears. As practitioners, death should be an object of our contemplation. Sister Insight shares her experience of practicing...

Sr Tuệ Nghiêm

December 4, 2022

Befriending Our Habits (Episode #44)

Welcome to episode 44 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives....

In Harmony on Our Path

Practicing the Six Harmonies is a deep practice to ensure a long life in the Sangha and continue on the path of transformation with our spiritual friends, even when facing difficulties in communication. If we are still unable to deeply connect with another person through the heart, maybe because...

Br Dai Giac

November 24, 2022

Mindful, Caring Consumption

Are you aware of your body in daily life? Do you take time to pause and relax between activities? How do you start your day? Do you take a moment to touch a feeling of gratitude and joy for being alive? Let’s explore these and many more questions as...

Sr Từ Nghiêm

November 20, 2022

Transforming Loneliness (Episode #43)

Welcome to episode 43 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives....

Breathe, Smile and Accept

What do you truly want for your life? Knowing this becomes a source of energy on our path. When we see our path clearly, we are no longer afraid. Mindfulness is the energy of awareness that enables us to apply the practice in our daily life. This allows us...

Sr Tuệ Nghiêm

September 22, 2022

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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