
Monastic Life / A Life Change

As we welcome the new novices of the Chestnut family into the Plum Village monastic sangha, elder brother, Brother Ngo Khong (Brother Freedom), abbot of Deer Park Monastery, recounts how he found his way to becoming a monk in the Plum Village tradition nearly ten years ago.

Together we continue Thay

In this post, we share more stories from our monastic brothers and sisters as well as stories of transformation selected from our friends who have offered their stories as a gift to Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) as we continue to celebrate Thay's 94th continuation day.

Photos / The fortunate mendicant

In the Buddha’s time, the monks and nuns had in their possession only three robes and a begging bowl. The vow of poverty helps monks and nuns to focus on the spiritual practice. They go on alms-round (to beg for food) to practice humility and have a chance to...

Thầy breathes, you breathe

On the 11th of October, 2020, the sangha at Plum Village gathered to celebrate Thay’s continuation day in a spirit of peace and being together as big spiritual family. There were stories recounting beautiful memories with Thay, and how the practices of mindfulness are helping to transform people’s lives...

Bamboo Shoots and Tea

As monastics, being invited to drink tea or spend time with our teacher, (affectionately called Thay) are precious occasions. Two sisters, Sr Thuan Nghiem and Sr Thao Nghiem, share memories of what it was like to drink tea and travel with Thay and how they would like to be...

A gift for Thay

As we approach Thich Nhat Hanh’s (Thay) 94th birthday, we would like to invite all our friends to offer a gift for Thay. As his monastic disciples, every year around this time we would ask Thay or ask his attendants what Thay needs or would like to have for...

Photos / Formal Request for Ordination

Our aspirant family (Chestnut Tree) preparing for their monastic ordination, with our traditional Rose Ceremony. After a formal lunch, our aspirants come up before the Sangha to formally request to be ordained as novices. They each offer a rose to our teacher and the community as a symbol of...

Photos / 2020 Autumn Rains Retreat

Following a tradition that dates back to the Buddha’s time, each year the Plum Village fourfold Sangha has a 3-month Rains Retreat. The monastic brothers and sisters use this time to deepen their practice. This year, on the 17th of September we formally opened the Rains retreat with the...

Thay's Poetry / New Hamlet

We would like to invite you to visit New Hamlet through this video, and enjoy an excerpt of the poem “New Hamlet”. Thay (Thich Nhat Hanh) wrote this poem to the workers of the School of Youth for Social Service during Vietnam War at 1960s. He inspired his students...

Photos / “Love is The Way” online retreat

Let us recall some memorable moments in the “Love is The Way” online retreat 7th-9th August. Here are various activities that we practiced during the three days. Both monastic and lay were nourished. Our teacher (Thay) dreamed about an online monastery a long time ago. Now it becomes true...

Photos / Plum Village in Plum Season

In this season, we harvest plum fruit from our garden every year. We make plum jam by ourselves. The lay friends can taste the handmade plum jam every breakfast while they are here with us. We also have dried plum, the profit from selling it will be offered to...

Racial Justice / What Can White People Do?

Sister Tam Muoi (aka Sr. Samadhi) recounts her personal journey with the practice of White Awareness. White people, do something. But what? Please allow me to share some of the journey I’ve been on for the past five years, initially with the aspiration to create more diversity in our...

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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