Dharma Talks / I Choose My Happiness

Sr Hội Nghiêm

2:31: 🏡 The importance of coming home to oneself, prioritizing happiness, and enjoying lazy days for inner peace and joy.
• 7:07: Prioritizing happiness and joy in daily life is crucial for inner peace.
• 8:52: Our sister encourages the enjoyment of lazy days for relaxation and self-care.
• 10:05: Our sister shares the experience of learning to cook from Thay with love and enjoyment.

12:59: 🧠 Understanding the brain’s role in regulating emotions, talents, and happiness.
• 13:27: Learning to deal with suffering and difficulties to find peace and happiness
• 14:31: The brain’s structure and functions in regulating emotions
• 16:02: Recognizing and valuing individual talents within families and society
• 19:00: Understanding the role of different brain regions in processing emotions and reasoning

23:11: 🧘 The importance of mindfulness in training and mastering the mind to cultivate happiness and control emotions.
• 23:11: Mindfulness is crucial for embracing emotions and cultivating happiness.
• 25:05: Two ways to deal with emotions: bottom-up (following breathing and movements) and top-down (using the prefrontal cortex to observe and react).
• 28:11: Exploring store and mind consciousness in Buddhist psychology.

34:00: 💭 Cultivating mindfulness in daily activities, embracing fear and happiness with mindful breathing and walking.
• 39:02: Embracing fear and happiness
• 43:08: Mastering breathing and steps for present moment awareness

44:24: 🙂 The Power of Smiling and Living in the Present Moment
• 44:24: Practice dwelling in the present moment and being happy right away
• 56:15: Encouragement to bring along the practices of smiling, breathing, and stepping wherever you go

58:31: 🙏 Mindfulness, peace, and freedom are crucial for personal well-being and positively impacting others. Sharing joy and happiness is a key aspect of the practice.
• 58:41: Recognizing and addressing personal suffering and difficulties in the present moment
• 1:02:08: Understanding the connection between personal well-being and its impact on others
• 1:03:39: The joy of sharing happiness with others

1:07:48: ⏳ Reflections on Impermanence and Letting Go
• 1:07:48: Importance of letting go of the need to be number one for happiness
• 1:11:00: Acknowledgment of impermanence and the need to cherish moments with loved ones
• 1:13:00: Our sister’s personal experience of regret and the practice of letting go in the face of impermanence
• 1:16:10: Importance of living deeply in the present moment and with the people around us

1:26:41: 🧘 Guidance on practicing meditation with joy and happiness, and expressing gratitude to the spiritual family.
• 1:26:41: Practice meditation with joy and happiness, even for a short duration. The duration of meditation depends on individual capacity and should be enjoyable.
• 1:28:10: Our sister expressing gratitude to our spiritual family and encouraging continued practice at home.

This talk was recorded on the 28th December 2023 in Lower Hamlet, Plum Village (France). It is the 10th of our live Thursday talks of the Rains Retreat 2023 offered to our lay friend guests. It was part of the Christmas Week Retreat 2023.

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